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Parking Lot Safety

Many people don’t think of the potential hazards associated with parking lots. However, a well-designed parking lot isn’t only a place where vehicles are parked, it can also ensure the safety of the pedestrians.


Parking Lot Safety


The Perry County Health Department would like to thank Kroger, Kroger Store Manager Justin Fernow and the Property Management for the repaving of the Kroger parking lot.   Many people don’t think of the potential hazards associated with parking lots.  However, a well-designed parking lot isn’t only a place where vehicles are parked, it can also ensure the safety of the pedestrians.

Parking lots should be designed for vehicles and pedestrians as there are generally a significant number of pedestrians in a parking lot.  Parking lots that are well maintained, well-marked for handicapped parking and patrolled to ensure that drivers are parking in designated areas help to create safe routes for those walking or biking to the grocery or retail store.

As a pedestrian in a parking lot, you should be extremely cautious of vehicles backing in/out of parking spots and vehicles speeding through the parking lot.  Some tips to follow:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings-keep your head up and your eyes open. Stay off your phone and DO NOT TEXT AND WALK
  • Look both ways as you cross lanes and always use the crosswalks and sidewalks if available
  • Avoid areas where drivers would not be able to see you
  • Be careful when wearing jackets with hoods and using umbrellas not to block your field of vision

As a driver, it’s important to remember that you also have responsibilities.  Some rules to follow as you pull into a parking lot are:

  • Choose a pull-through parking space when available
  • Remember that motorcyclists and bicycle drivers are to follow the same rules as vehicles
  • SLOW DOWN! The speed is generally 10 MPH in parking lots. Any faster speeds may result in an accident. An accident with a pedestrian could be serious or even fatal
  • Reduce speeds even more in bad weather. In wet weather, your vehicle has a higher chance of skidding

The Perry County Health Department is working to keep you healthy where you live, work and play.  For more information about any program or service offered by the Perry County Health Department, contact us at 342-5179 or visit us online at www.perryhealth.com.

This article by Deborah Raney, Director of Health Education at the Perry County Ohio Health Department, originally appeared in the December 11, 2019 issue of the Perry County Tribune.